Sunday, November 27, 2011


Suicide is a topic that myself, and most other teens, hear a lot about. Whether it's in books or movies, its a common topic. Hearing about suicide could be that people are trying to make us aware of what is going on around us. People could be trying to make us realize what a horrible thing suicide is. Or maybe it's just a plot in the movie you're watching. I think that suicide is a horrible thing. The reason I chose to write about suicide, is because it's been in the news a lot lately. I can't help but feel bad when i hear about 10 year olds killing themselves. So I read up on more information about the topic.

Suicide can be looked at as a crime, or a life style choice. Suicide is a leading cause of death among teenagers and people older than 35. Suicide indicates feelings of hopelessness are depression. Media coverage of suicides has been noted as another risk  for suicidal behavior, especially among young people. Some worry that if a person is longing for attention to the point where they would do anything to get it, publicizing suicide, can give this person the idea to commit, for attention purposes.

It's sad to think that there are people who feel they need to kill themselves to take them out of misery. I hate it when the reason for a kid to kill themselves is bullying. The reason this bothers me is because, if someone took action there would have been a way to stop it. Some people don't realize when they're going too far. They don't understand that just one thing you say can lead someone to doing something drastic. 

Suicide isn't always just stemming from the actions of your peers. It could be stemming from family problems, self consciousness, pressure, stress, attention, anything for that matter. Suicide is a serious issue, and  children should be taught about it. Teaching people about the affects of suicide, and the help they can get if they have suicidal thoughts will help save lives. I think it's important to teach people about what is going on around them. Some people may say that a 10 years old is too young to hear about suicide, and it might give them ideas. But if the world has come down to a young kids killing themselves, then a 10 year old should learn about suicide too.

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