Sunday, April 15, 2012


What The student that wrote the Starry Night response did wrong was the didn't source where they got their information. They just copied and pasted someone else's work. They were plageriazing. The reason you shouldn't plageriaze is because you are stealing someone else's work, which is unfair to whoever really wrote that you copied. Plageriazing is illegal, and it just shouldn't be done.
What the student could have done to site the source and not plageriaze is use quotation marks, and siting where you got the information from.

An example of what the student could have done to site the source and not plageriaze is:

"The stars in the night sky are surrounded with their own orb of light, and a bright crescent moon. Although the features are exaggerated, this is a scene we can all relate to, and also one that most individuals feel comfortable and at ease with." -(
article: "A Brief Understanding of the Starry Night Paintings")

There are 3 ways to avoid plageriazing.
One, always use quotation marks to seperate your work from the quote.
Two, after you use the quotation marks, use parenthesis to write the source, and where you got the quote.
Three, you could paraphrase what the quote says. Take what you see and put in into your own words.

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